Friday 21 December 2012

the grey cast

John Ralph Ottway (Liam Neeson) works in Alaska killing wolves that threaten an oil drilling team. On his last day on the job, Ottway writes a letter to his wife Ana (Anne Openshaw) in which he explains his plans to commit suicide. While holding the barrel of a rifle in his mouth, Ottway hears the howl of a wolf and does not pull the trigger. Upon completing the job, the team and Ottway head home on a plane that crashes during a blizzard. Ottway then sees a vision of his wife urging him not to feel afraid, a motif that recurs throughout the film. When Ottway awakens he finds one of the team members, Lewenden (James Badge Dale), mortally wounded: Ottway calms him, letting him know that he is going to die, and then Lewenden dies peacefully.
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