Friday 21 December 2012

he grey movie dvd cover

A blizzard approaches and the group tries to preserve the fire to prevent hypothermia. Despite their best efforts, Ottway finds Burke's frozen lifeless body in the morning. Further in their travels, the survivors come across a high canyon wall within which, screened by trees, they are able to spot a river. Hendrick jumps to the trees, securing a line as a means of traverse. Diaz and Ottway make it across the line to join Hendrick, but Talget, who is afraid of heights, loses his glasses and is initially frozen with fear. He reluctantly continues across, but soon finds that his injured hand has begun bleeding and gets caught up in the makeshift rope. Talget struggles to untangle himself, but the line breaks and he crashes through the trees to the ground. Wounded, Talget sees a vision of his daughter as he is dragged away by the wolves. While attempting to save Talget, Diaz falls from the tree and injures his knee.      watch more

the grey movie trailer

While hiking through the snow, Flannery (Joe Anderson) falls and is killed by three wolves. The remaining survivors continue on and set camp in the woods. While walking, one of the members notices a pack of wolves running towards them. The group runs for the trees and begins to light a fire to keep the wolves off. The tension between Ottway and Diaz comes to a head as the survivors create makeshift weaponry. Diaz threatens Ottway with his knife, but is disarmed by him. The survivors meet the alpha wolf, which sends an omega to test Diaz. However, the survivors are able to kill the wolf and eat it. Diaz cuts off its head and throws it back as a symbol of defiance.      watch more

the grey movie wiki

Ottway sets the survivors to task collecting material for a fire. He sees a woman in apparent need of help, but discovers that what he thought were her cries actually were the noises of a gray wolf which is eating her, and he is attacked by it. He is rescued by the others and explains that they are most likely in the wolves' territory. After lighting a fire, the survivors take turns keeping watch. While urinating, Hernandez (Ben Bray) is killed by two wolves. The remaining survivors find his body in the morning and Ottway suggests they leave the crash site because there they are likely to get attacked. Diaz (Frank Grillo) questions Ottway's leadership and begins defying his orders. Before they leave, Ottway and the others remove the wallets from many of the bodies with the intention of returning them to surviving family members. Hendrick (Dallas Roberts) says a prayer and thanks God for allowing them to survive the crash and then they leave the site.
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the grey cast

John Ralph Ottway (Liam Neeson) works in Alaska killing wolves that threaten an oil drilling team. On his last day on the job, Ottway writes a letter to his wife Ana (Anne Openshaw) in which he explains his plans to commit suicide. While holding the barrel of a rifle in his mouth, Ottway hears the howl of a wolf and does not pull the trigger. Upon completing the job, the team and Ottway head home on a plane that crashes during a blizzard. Ottway then sees a vision of his wife urging him not to feel afraid, a motif that recurs throughout the film. When Ottway awakens he finds one of the team members, Lewenden (James Badge Dale), mortally wounded: Ottway calms him, letting him know that he is going to die, and then Lewenden dies peacefully.
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